So I've kinda been putting off this post.
Maybe it was because I haven't had any major trips this last week. Or maybe because I wasn't in the mood to write or didn't feel creative. But mostly I think it was because I was waiting for my head to be clear. But then I realized: as humans, our heads are never clear. I'm always going to have 902738423 things going on inside my head, demands on my time, and emotions that take over. So here I am. Just writing in the midst of the unclear head. And all the messy thoughts. I'm sorry if this isn't very organized.
I have finally been here long enough that I am accidentally taking things for granted. Like the sheer fact that I'M IN LONDON. I forget sometimes. But I have to remember, as I'm complaining about being tired or stressed, that I'm tired and stressed because I was IN SCOTLAND or going to great theater shows, or getting ready for A WEEK IN EUROPE. All things that deserve my utter gratitude! So i am trying so hard to remember that each day here is a gift. I need to be content. And I need to cherish every minute, because in 2 months none of this will be possible.
I have also been here long enough and learned enough to know that there is so much I don't know! The saying that "The more I learn, the less I know." is so true! I consider myself a person with a decent head on my shoulders, with a decent understanding of the world. But man, I feel like I am back in Kindergarten. My understanding of history, the modern world, and all the people in it, is minuscule. And you think is would be increasing with my world traveling. But it is actually the opposite. Step outside of your comfortable American bubble and all of the sudden there is more knowledge than you can handle. And I know that we all say (and i have) that Americans need to get rid of their superiority complex, but I didn't actually understand what that meant until now. I've only lived in another country for 7 weeks and I can already tell a difference. I am surrounded by rich cultures, languages, diversity, and equality within it all, and it is intoxicating. I am going to go home and look around and think "where are all the languages? and why does everyone look the same?" There is something very humbling and enriching about being the minority (as it is in the school where I am an intern) and being just one of so many languages and people groups. God created us all equal. But do we actually believe that? Or is it just something we say because it is what we're supposed to say?
I attended the rehearsal for the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra this week and let me tell ya, it was phenomenal! These kids all lived on the streets. They were into drugs, alcohol, prostitution, and the like, but this program takes this kids off the streets and teaches them classical music. This program has been funded by the Venezuelan government for many, many years and is one of the only stable funds in their rocky history. This orchestra brings hope. By picking up a violin, trumpet, or cello, those kids' lives are changed forever! They have a future, a passion, and they have people to support them all along the way. It was emotional to see them all up there pouring their hearts out on their instruments and knowing that they came from such desperate circumstances and now sit on a stage in London to perform top level orchestra masterpieces. May we all live with such passion. May we desperately strive for our dreams and goals as if there is only one shot. God bless the people who run the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra.
I was also able to go to Oxford for a day this weekend. A small group of us went with our neighbor Roger, who actually attended Oxford for graduate school. Everything seemed to be closed that day, but Roger still got us in! It was like having a back stage pass to the town, with our own personal tour guide. One of the neatest things we did was climb the tower of Magdelene College (where C.S.Lewis attended). Almost no one gets to climb the tower and Roger had called two days before to reserve the key and he walked out with a giant key that unlocked a large wooden door and we had to lock ourselves in afterward! It was literally the 7 of us in there. And it was a fantastic view of the whole town! Oxford is a very quaint and respectable town. I could feel my brain cells growing just from walking the streets. I also felt like I could sit down and write epic novels of magic wardrobes and hobbit tales. ;) We did actually go to The Eagle and The Child, the pub where Tolkien and Lewis used to meet with The Inklings to discuss literature and theology over a good pint. It was pretty amazing to think that such great men sat at those tables. Oh to be a fly on that wall! In addition, we toured The Great Hall of Christ's Church, which was used as the great hall in Hogwarts in the filming of Harry Potter (not sure there are many places in England that Harry Potter WASN'T filmed in! haha). If you didn't know, Oxford University is not just one university. It is composed of 28 smaller colleges. And we were able to see 8 of them! They are all so unique, each with their own church, dining hall, dormitories etc. Beautiful architecture. Great gardens. Wonderful stained glass. Memories of thousands of students, long since graduated.
In other news from this week, we saw Oliver last night! I have seen the movie, performed the play, and know all the songs, but seeing the musical live was refreshing and new! Everyone in the production did a fantastic job. Oliver had a voice of an angel. And Faygan put on a show that could not be rivaled. All in all, a very entertaining and fun night. I'm going to have those songs stuck in my head for a loooong time...
So those are just a few of my random thoughts for the week. I'm glad I got at least of few of them down so my brain will be a little less cluttered.
"I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13
"It's only when you see the madness of others that you can diffuse it in yourself." - Sherife Tayfun
When we get overwhelmed with all that we have to do and live up to, just take a step back! Pour into someone else's life, be a part of relieving their struggles, and all of the sudden you find that you're own problems are not quite as bad any more. The load gets a little lighter. And we could all use a little weight off our shoulders as we run this race called life.
I like Roger! It's so good to have connections and what cool things you got to do because of his! And how generous of him to give up his day for a few students! And so you also got to pretend you were an Inkling for a few minutes...bring that inspiration home and share it with us please! We'll gladly share the joy of some of that clutter! Love you!