Follow me as I study abroad in London for the semester!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Classes have begun. Let's just say it is very different from class on campus. You just simply walk downstairs from your room, sit on a couch in the living room, and discuss a topic while taking notes. It is very relaxed and i love it. You feel much more like a scholar pondering the great mysteries of life over a cup of tea. (we really did have a tea break in one of our classes!) We also have alot more field trips and adventures, example a: going to the Natural History Museum for BP. :) Needless to say, having class brings a little order and structure to the otherwise craziness of exploring and seeing this amazing city. After class on Monday, a few of us went to the Victoria and Albert Museum, to see everything from sculpture, to fashion, to ironwork, to jewelry. The jewelry room was by far my favorite as we saw how jewelry progressed from 500BC until now. Intricate gold and silver chains, breath-taking jewels, strange designs, and every color you can imagine. There was also a Beatrix Potter exhibit on one of the floors, displaying her drawings!
"It is much more satisfactory to address a real live child; I often think that that was the secret of the success of Peter Rabbit, it was written to a child - not made to order." - Beatrix

The following day we went to the Natural History Museum for Biblical Perspectives class (since we are discussing Genesis). I did not realize there were so many animals i had never seen or heard of before! How is that possible? God is so creative. He could've just made a few animals and been done, but no. There are millions. One room showed the actual scale of the largest animals in the world and the Blue Whale will make your jaw drop open. It went from one wall to the other. Elephants and giraffes look like insects next to it. We also visited the dinosaur exhibit and the fossils they have found are remarkable. Hard to imagine what the world was like then. My how things change.

Yesterday was our orientation with CAPA (the program that places us for our internships) and I finally found out where i will be spending 20 hours a week as an intern! I will be assisting at the Hornsey School for Girls on the outskirts of Zone 2 of London (not in the city at all) and i am so excited! Molly McCollum and I had a chance to ride out to our site, which takes a hour by tube, to see the school and get familiar with the route. Our timing was perfect because just as we got to the bus stop to head home, the school let out and we were able to see many of the girls as they went home. They have school uniforms of black dress jackets with their emblem sewed on, black skirts or black slacks, and knee-high socks. There is literally every culture represented in this school (London is a very diverse place). I cannot wait to be stretched and taken out of my comfort zone. Not only will i be placed in a completely different education system, but i have never worked in a school for only girls, and from so many backgrounds! I am walking into this internship with an open heart and an eagerness to learn all i can. I have my interview tomorrow at 8:45am so please be praying that it goes well! Today's prospects include a run in Hyde Park and reading in a coffee shop down the street. I am so blessed. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Peter...He looks like he is tired from getting into much mischief! (Would love to see her drawings in person!) Wow, the school sounds like such a great opportunity for a broad range of experiences. That's a long tube ride if you have to be there early in the morning. Glad Molly will be going with you. Will be praying for your interview. They will love you!... Miss you SO much but thankful to be able to follow your adventures here.
