Follow me as I study abroad in London for the semester!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I fly out tomorrow. That is a pretty crazy thing. I never actually thought I was going to leave, just talk about it with people forever. But now it's here. My bags are packed (mostly) and I'm getting myself emotionally and mentally prepared to tell my family, friends, and hometown goodbye for 100 days. There are so many thoughts spinning through my head, but the emotions I feel are pretty straightforward: excitement for what lies ahead, and sadness that I cannot be in 2 (or 3) places at once. I have no fear or anxiety because I am going with a great group of people and I have a pretty fantastic God who always has my best interest in mind.
As far as this semester goes: I will be taking 15 hours of class (including a theater class where we will be going to productions every week!), interning at a local British high school doing mostly observation and assistance, traveling on weekends and on our 2 week-long breaks in the middle and at the end, and volunteering at London City Mission a couple times a week. This is just the basic overview of what I can expect, but I am positive that there will be so much more involved in this semester, going 100 miles a minute.
I know that God is going to use this semester to reveal more of Himself to me as He continues to stretch and grow my own life. Just when I get comfortable and confident, He takes me out of my comfort zone and teaches me something new. I was finally good at college, with great friends and many things on campus to be involved in, but God said, "Nope, there's something else!" So here I am, getting taken out of my bubble once again. And I can't wait.
So here I go, with open eyes, mind, and heart. Eagerly expectant for what these 3 and 1/2 months hold. Excited about the friendships I'll make, the experiences I will have, and the marvels I will see. Not to mention God's good hand throughout it all. I am so grateful for technology so that I can stay connected to all of you, who I love, while I'm away. Please feel free to leave comments, email me, etc. I cannot wait to share my stories with you. Please keep me (and our group) in your prayers as we travel and live in a different culture. Your support means the world to me.
These are two verses, of many, that give me strength and courage every time I read them in preparation for this trip:
"Look among the nations and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your day that you would not believe if told." Habakkuk 1:5
"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing something new." Isaiah 43:18-19

What great truth and hope! The best is yet to come. But for now, I need to get some sleep so I can be ready to head to Atlanta tomorrow! (we have a direct flight from Atlanta to London that will fly all through the night)
Love you all.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The First of Many

Sooo I've never been much of a blogger (I take that back, I've never blogged ever), but I thought that if there was any time to start blogging, it would be now, as I am leaving to study abroad for the semester in the amazing city of London. May this be the first of many blogs as my every day life is disrupted with this opportunity of a life time! In case you didn't know, "Mind the Gap" is the phrase heard every day by the people of London as they board the Tube system (public transport) and a phrase I will hear many times myself.
So here I go. I will be flying out in 11 days, on August 30th. There is so much yet to do! I better get busy. But at least I can check "create a blog" off my to-do list. ;) Stay posted for future entries and thanks for being a part of this life-changing experience with me! Helen Keller put it so well: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." Here's to making every day of the next 3 and a half months a daring adventure!

Until next time! <3